LAMPAS-3.0 Ambient PM TOF-MS FastTrack System
Product Summary:
LAMPAS adopts the single-particle aerosol time-of-flight mass spectrometry that can measure single particles' chemical composition and size in real-time and respond rapidly to a sudden source of pollution. Due to its versatility, LAMPAS is generally used to determine pollution sources in the urban, remote, and marine environment or verify the PMF module's accuracy to provide data reports to the environmental agency.
LAMPAS-3.0 consists of a sample injection system, diameter detector, laser ionization system, and TOF-MS analysis system. Aerosol particles are accelerated into the vacuum chamber via a differential vacuum chamber, the aerodynamic diameter of the particle is detected by the dual laser beam. Meanwhile, ionization laser is triggered, ionized cation and anion are finally analyzed by TOF-MS.